Thursday, March 31, 2011

Boy Oh Boy!

        It was just yesterday that I was talking about life's little miracles, then today Hubbie gave me a call saying that our friend Steven's wife Cecilia is going into labor! The horrible contractions started 5am in the morning and carried into the late afternoon, they tried going to the hospital a few times but were sent home everytime because they say she's only 3 cm dilated and not ready yet. But she is in so much pain! Sighs, though I know every mom went through that. So, what happen was Steven gave me a call saying if I can accompany them to the hospital and talk with them in case they don't let her stay. Though when we got there, they checked her right in. (Yessss!)
        There I sat, holding her hands as the contractions came and go leaving her gasping with pain each time. I start wondering how do women in the olden days cooped with the pain?! Most of them have the babies right in their own home and bed! Sometimes with no help at all too!  I remembered there are some cultures where the woman at labor isn't suppose to utter one sound during the whole labor process, wow wow WOW! I definitely cant do that, I remember I was screaming like there is no tomorrow because somehow the epidural only numbed one side of my body.
        Did I mention how much I just hate needles?! Ouch! I flinched as the RN insert the IV needle in her arm and drew out at least 3-4 vials of blood and finally connect it to a bag of IV fluid. Oh my goodness! I don't want to think about it. To cut the story short, I sat with her for a couple hours until after she got her epidural...then I went home.  It's like around 11pm at the moment and I received news that Cecilia is now 8 cm dilated!! Yay! Baby Eric is on the way!!! Yup its a boy!! I can't wait to meet the little one tomorrow!

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